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Okay. I'm just bored.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Lol. I never believed that i'm gonna be tempted to create my own blog. I used to thought that blogging was a waste of my precious time. Instead i can go shopping, facebook-ing, or just day-dreaming (my favourite), just for the heck of it. XD

Haha. Thanks to Facebook (or the stupid Streamyx) btw, that failed
my photos-uploading (twice. Or trice. Or mayb more.). Else i'll just stick to facebook lol.

Hmmm... Seems that i'll now have more time spent on blogging. Hahaha! Time to be a BLOGGER!! Any welcoming party for me??? Ooohh i love parties lol.

Anyway, i think tat's all for now. Gonna update my blog with my year-end trip, melacca trip, phuket trip, and more craziness to come soon!! Stay tuned!

Signing off,

Felicia :*

4 Comments to Okay. I'm just bored.:

imarriedadventure said...

u want a party???next time we should shower together.u know i'm always serious ;0.wait till we have a bigger bathroom maybe in india.

imarriedadventure said...

nora has a blog but it's on private.i'll convince her to make it public so we can follow her.bet a lot of secrets..hehehehehe

Felicia Tee said...

hahaha! shower together! ok rmbr to remind to shave 1st XD
yea. i always wanted to know her lil' secrets hehehehe

lynn said...

enjoy ur blog ! hehe... stupid me... finally i know how to leave a comment... :p update often yea ~